Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Reys Chapter 5 & 16

Reys Chapter 5

“Doing mathematics is learning mathematics.”

This quote stood out to me because it is true. Similar to most content areas people learn by participating rather than just observing. To learn mathematics one has to do mathematics. By doing mathematics people are learning how to solve problems, reason with proofs, make connections, create and use representation, and communicate their mathematical thinking. The most appropriate problems for elementary students and the ones that they understand the most are problems that deal with their own experiences and interests. This reminds me of thinking of half a cookie where you ask the child would you like the half or the whole cookie to make them understand that a whole is bigger than a half.

Reys Chapter 16
 Focus Question# 2: What is the measurement process and why is it important?

The measurement process involves assigning a number to an object or an event. The most common measurements in elementary are length, capacity, weight/mass, area, volume, time, and temperature. With measuring students develop common referents and estimation skills.  They develop skill to compare and contrast. I have seen many students struggle with identifying what measuring unit would be best used to describe objects. I feel that measuring skills are extremely important and are part of every day life. If you want to bake or cook something you need tablespoons, lbs. and others. If you want to put up drapes you need to measure your window’s length and width.  Measuring can involve using tools such as a ruler, beaker, and other instruments. Measuring can also be estimation, but that’s when students have developed the skills of measuring by the eye.

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