Thursday, August 25, 2011

Reys Chapters 1, 2, and 3

Reys: Chapter 1
Focus Question 1. What is your view on mathematics?

     I believe that mathematics is extremely important. Mathematics is used in everyday life in many different ways. Some ways mathematics is used is when dealing money, recipes, and time. Without mathematics we would not be as advanced as we are. It is important to emphasize to students that math is crucial to their lives and that although it maybe difficult to understand, it is not impossible to eventually understand it. Mathematics like other subjects takes practice and repetition to get to a point were mathematics is not as difficult as before. For example, in eight grade I took algebra I and I had the hardest time with algebraic expression because there were coefficients with variables and exponents. It overwhelmed me and once I got to high school I had to take algebra I again. At first I was disappointed that I had to retake it, but then I was thankful that I did because the second time around everything came naturally to me. I had worked with the concepts before and now had a clearer understanding. Ever since then my favorite subject has been math.

Reys: Chapter 2

Focus Questions 1. How can we create a supportive classroom climate for the diverse learners in our  classroom.

    Like any subject, mathematics can be incorporated in many lessons outside of just math lessons. I believe the more students see and practice a subject like math the more they will become comfortable with it. Many students would not like to be called on to answer or volunteer to answer a math question because of fear of getting the wrong answer in front of everyone else. For these type of learners teachers could decide to have the students hold up whiteboards with their answer so that the teacher would be able to see their answers without the student having to say it aloud. They can get more practice by sharing their math answers and or techniques that were used to get to their answer by pair sharing and group sharing. Eventually leading up to sharing in front of the whole class where the environment is friendly and students know its alright if mistakes are made. As the textbook mentions it is extremely important that teachers know their learners and be able to connect the subject matter with things that the students can relate to and enjoy. The student's interests are very important not just because we care about them but because we can  do art or play their favorite sport while adding math in there. It will get the students more involved and have fun with it while learning at the same time.

Reys: Chapter 3

Focus question 1. What questions must an elementary mathematics teacher answer before beginning a plan?

      Before beginning a plan a teacher must know what level of mathematics every child is at and what level the majority of the class is at. As the textbook mentions teachers should focus on both the students' strengths and weaknesses. Teachers must be aware that students learn at different rates and in order for all student to succeed all students should be working on content that would further their own understanding. For example, a student with really high math skills should not have to suffer because other students in the class are falling behind and same thing with lower math level students they should not be forced to move on without comprehending how to do something because they will be even more stuck learning new information. Basically, teachers need to know what would they do if some students understand and some do not get it. My suggestions would be for the ones who understand it they should help others. This way the one helping will be practicing math on a different level because now they would be explaining to someone else how to solve a problem. The teacher should also know how they would provide extra support for those who need it like have tutoring hours or ask the students what they think works best for them when it comes to understanding math and what are they having the hardest time understanding.